The Western University Survey Tool, driven by Qualtrics, stands out as a premier online survey platform catering to diverse research needs. Through an institutional license, Western University extends complimentary access to all current students, faculty, and staff, ensuring effortless utilization of this resource. Capable of accommodating various research demands, from online experiments to targeted audience inquiries, this tool offers flexibility and effectiveness in data collection and analysis.

Published on and maintained in Cascade CMS.
Acceptable Use:
As per the Acceptable Use Policy, Qualtrics users agree the platform is to be used solely for authorized academic, administrative purposes, and/or incidental, non-commercial personal use and agree to assume responsibility for any unauthorized use, misuse or illegal use of this computing resource. Qualtrics users are required to use one of the Western University branded themes located under the Look & Feel tab as to identify the survey as a Western University affiliated survey.
The Western license of Qualtrics is available only to current Faculty, Student, & Staff accounts.